Monday, December 29, 2014

The Inquisition

The bugles sounded!
Rushing hooves are heard in the distance
Shuffling feet up and below
In hurried disharmony
Rebound in the empty halls-
Silence reigns in the Keep.
Archers in position-
Warriors await behind the great fortified iron gates.
A hand raised!

The approaching hooves carry behind them a cloud
Of dust masking the incoming horde—
The leader of the Keep, stoic, visibly perturbed.
His arm remains extended—
His hand in a tight fist—
His eyes transfixed on the enormous cloud of dust—
Steadily approaching with lightning speed

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisition: My Grouse (Gripe) with Josephine Montilyet (Spoiler)

     Josephine Montilyet is a beautifully designed Non-Playable Character; she is an Advisor to your hero /heroine Inquisitor. Apart from her view as an Adviser, I find her too aloof. Granted I am early on in the game. It could be that I have not interacted with her long enough. I hope it is the case. One thing that bothers me most at the moment is when my Inquisitor is speaking with her, she is writing. She glances and then continues on writing; it happens every time I speak with her at her location thus far. At the end of our meeting, she would state that she's going back to what she was working on or she sent you away with a dry dismissal**. Heck, she never stopped to begin with! I find it immersion breaking at the very least. I noticed that Bioware preferred to not have too many cut-scenes this time around. When speaking to the Advisers and Companions, I would rather see them up-close a la Dragon Age: Origins or at the very least a la the Elder Scrolls--games. Bioware mentioned that Dragon Age: Inquisition is inspired by the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Executive Producer Mark Darrah, Spoke and I am Basking in the Beauty of the Hinterlands

November 30th, 2014

Dragon Age: Inquisition has been released since November 18th, 2014.  The game is 

My First Take and my First Ordeal with DA:I PC Version

November 21st, 2014

     Yesterday, I loaded up my PC version of Dragon Age: Inquisition. I inserted my disc in and then signed into Origins.  Origins recognized my version as a digital download. My redeem code is slotted as digital deluxe.  I continued with the installation. On the Origin’s dashboard, it shows the game as a digital deluxe. Go figure!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Your Journey Begins Here....

November 18th, 2014

     Dragon Age Inquisition is finally here! And I cannot wait to explore it. I bought two versions of the game: an Inquisitor Edition for X-box One and a Deluxe edition for PC. I received my Inquisitor Edition and it was really quite a shock to me! I waited for the box and it arrived late in the PM. I excitedly took my box to my room and sat there filled with excitement. I can finally see all the goodies in this collector’s edition and most importantly, I will finally have the opportunity to immerse myself in this wondrous world.