My Inquisitors

This is my first Inquistior: Lady Erleona Khuranin.  However, I lost her on the PC Version due to horrible crashes that placed her in a deserted area instead in the introduction.  My story on that is posted else.

This is another take--also lost when I logged into the game.

Below are screenshots of my Dalish Elf: Star of Elune. I also lost her due to crashing  (PC, Deluxe Edition).  11-30-14.  No luck still.

© Star of Elune

© Star of Elune

© Star of Elune

© Erleona Khuranin
Eorlena Khuranin--My Main heroine: Female, Qunari, Two-handed Warrior Currenltly playing  on Xbox One--

© Erleona Khuranin
A black and white version of the above:  Beautiful, Eorlena Khuramin--my Main Character in Dragon Inquisition on Xbox One, the Inquisitor's Edition. She is a powerful Two-handed Warrior-ess

© Erleona Khuranin--A lighter version 

© Erleona Khuranin

Posing in front of her throne after passing Judgment; my diplomatic, well-loved warrior, my Inquisitor: Eorlena Khuranin

Dragon Age: Inquisition
© Erleona Khurain

This is an alternate version of the Black and White photo/screenshot of my Inquisitor: Eorlena Khuranin.